Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Leading Lines
leading lines
what leading lines does is it leads your eys towards the subject of the photo. Every photo needs to have a subject otherwise the photo doesnt make sence. Also try not to have any bjects in the photo that dont belong.

The purpose of repitition is to emphasise the objest of the photo or the purpose of the phot. It is also more intriguing to look at if there is some repition.
 The  purpose of this type of photography is to create interest for the veiwer. Say the whole picture was very boring and plain. To create some contrast for the photo you would put something of the opposite in the photo.
Rule of Thirds
The purpose of the tecnique is to line up your objects on what is call the lines of interest in a photo. in a picture you subconciously divide the photo into imaginary thirds. The intersections of these lines is what is called the lines of interest that you are subconciously drawn to look at.
Rule Of Thirds
I think that this photo tecnique is fairly self explanatory but what it does is that it frames the s ubject of the photo thus, directing your interst towards the framed object.

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